Mexico Es Bueno

So here I am in day three of Mexico, and I{ve decided to spend some time on my blogg. With beaches, cheap beer, and excellent food in my immediate area, what does that make me?


But a very happy one. My one complaint right now is the keyboard. It{s kinda weird, and I{ve tenetively decided not to correct any typos because it{s too much work to try and find the right buttons. The @ for example is [alt gr] + Q of all things. It{s a mess.

So far my favorite meal has been from a little hole'in´the´wall place around the corner from our hotel. Enchilladas. Very simple, but very good.

My beer of choice is still Corona, though Pacifico has made an appearance once or twice. Today we{re thinking about exploring [Gringo Gulch] an area of Centro where the rich movie stars used to live. Really nice achitechture, but quite a walk from our usual haunts. It should be fun.

One last note...I fought the sun, and the sun one. I{m officially Very Badly Burned, from day one. I{m getting closer to recovered, but it{s still a little uncomfortable to be me.

I get by with a little help from my friends....Taquila and Corona.

Muy Bien,



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