Meet Joe Hill
Just came from a very interesting Writing Group. Jumpgate has a monthly writer's group that I'm proud to be a member of. This month, a local author and comic book writer was able to make an appearance. Here he is, with Jumpgate's owner, Hector Diaz.

It was really a pleasant evening. Mr. Hill was well spoken, genuinely interested in our writing careers, and freely shared his ideas and advice with us. He seems like a great guy.
It was genuinely inspiring too. I always get recharged by talking to people who "made it", who were at one point where I am now...working on the novel you're not sure's going to go anywhere and churning out short-stories trying to get one to hit.
He made a really great point about short-stories, though. He said that when he was in college, he'd made a comment to a professor that he thought short stories were mostly a dead end. They were only ready by people who were writing short stories in the hopes of getting their stories published. Now, here he is, working in the short story market and doing pretty well by all appearances. It resonated with me, because here I am writing short stories, and I realized that I don't really read short-stories all that much. :)
I'm going to make more of an effort to support the short story market, if only to become a little less of a hypocrite. And maybe a little to read some good stories. :)
It was really a pleasant evening. Mr. Hill was well spoken, genuinely interested in our writing careers, and freely shared his ideas and advice with us. He seems like a great guy.
It was genuinely inspiring too. I always get recharged by talking to people who "made it", who were at one point where I am now...working on the novel you're not sure's going to go anywhere and churning out short-stories trying to get one to hit.
He made a really great point about short-stories, though. He said that when he was in college, he'd made a comment to a professor that he thought short stories were mostly a dead end. They were only ready by people who were writing short stories in the hopes of getting their stories published. Now, here he is, working in the short story market and doing pretty well by all appearances. It resonated with me, because here I am writing short stories, and I realized that I don't really read short-stories all that much. :)
I'm going to make more of an effort to support the short story market, if only to become a little less of a hypocrite. And maybe a little to read some good stories. :)