
When asked to write a letter of recommendation for Eli Friend-Grey, an initial problem immediately presented itself; where to start? I have known Eli for sixteen years, and that’s a lot of ground to cover in one brief letter. It makes for a series of difficult decisions. Should I cover how when I met Eli in the Boy Scouts he represented an ideal to me? How I’d wished nothing more than to be just like him? Should I cover how when he was running five minute miles in high-school that I envied him his dedication and discipline? Or should I talk about how he constantly tried to better himself though every available method, be it reading or simply through self-analysis? Should I point out that he is, perhaps, one of the most self-aware people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing?
I think I should probably concentrate on those things that make Eli such a spectacular individual. First and foremost, he is creative. Aside from being a talented artist, Eli has repeatedly found creative, practical solutions to every problem he’s found before him. While anyone can brainstorm off the wall solutions, Eli seems to effortlessly blend the practical with the creative. He hears an idea, and can in seconds discard or accept the solution, knowing immediately whether it is a viable solution or not.
This trait makes Eli a valuable addition to any endeavor. Whether working on cars or camping in the woods, Eli’s the first person we call. Our annual camping trips are made much more hospitable by Eli’s creativity. Eli had constructed, with nothing more then a saw and a pile or rope, a table, three benches, a tee-pee, a tower, and a wall. While others stand around in the woods, wishing they had a table, Eli made a house.
Eli has always been smart. Nothing bothers him more than something he cannot figure out or cannot recall. Luckily, those things don’t happen often. Eli reads constantly, and he remembers what he needs. He is one of the best-read people I know, and he’s never satisfied with knowing just one thing when two things are there to be discovered.
Lastly, Eli is kind. He seeks nothing less than for everyone to get along, for everyone to be happy. He is considerate of other people’s feelings to a fault, and is constantly trying to help people work through their problems. He has something that I, for one, am very envious of. He has self-knowledge. He knows what he feels when something happens, and so can help others see their own feelings.
Eli is a remarkable man, a man whom would bring honor to any organization to which he belonged. He is creative, intelligent, insightful, and kind. It is with great pleasure that I recommend to you Eli Friend-Grey.


Anonymous said…
You forgot to say that Eli is really hunky. Seriously - have you squeezed his bicepts lately? Mmmmmmmmm.
xoxo Allison
Anonymous said…

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