Be Very Very Quiet.....I'm Hunting Jobs.

You know what the best part about hunting for jobs is? Getting letters of recomendation. People whom I thought didn't even like me are writing me wonderful letters of recomendation.

If you work with someone for any length of time, they're sure to develop opinions about you, positive or negative. The nice part about going to them and asking for a reference is that they're flattered, and they dig up all the good things you've ever done, and forget all the bad things.

For example, they mention that I'm a hard worker, which is nice, but they neglect to mention that I also coined the nick-name "FUCK YOU FALLON" for one of the teachers. See, little things like that get left in the lurch when writing letters of recomendation.

Which, I grant you, makes me look pretty good on paper. It's just too bad my resume isn't more impressive. I figure I've got a half a chance if I'm judged on my recomendations. If judged on my resume, I've got a fifty-fifty chance. I've gotten my degree and I have one year of experience. That ammounts to approximately nothing, in the grander scheme of where I want to be. ::sigh:: Back to school with me.



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