Strange Eons Meets NERO

I've agreed to guest direct a NERO event in the end of September. I'd been half-heartedly thinking about it, but recent events have really gotten me stoked for it.

I recently went to a bachelor party for a buddy of mine, and some of his out-of-town friends told me that they were excited by the prospect of me and my brothers guest directing an event.

Turns out, from our short stint running games for Aldra in NERO NH, we have a bit of a cult following amongst NERO players.

Flattering? You betcha. And there's nothing like flattery to get my creative juices flowing.

I have two big dreams in my life. One, to be a published author. Two, to run my own LARP. To that end, I've been writing and developing a world and game system for my own use. It's called, predictibly, Strange Eons.

My idea, as it stands at this point, is to use the NERO event as a sort of free advertising for my game and world. NERO gets an interesting weekend, and I get to start a little cult following for my own game. Two birds, one stone.

So here's what I'm thinking:
*A Ritual in the Strange Eons world goes horribly awry.
*Dr. John Armitage, a celebrated sage and wizard, while attempting to stop the Ritual, gets pulled through, along with:

*The Daughter of the Windwalker, a half-breed Dark Power

*The Butcher, a General and Warrior who has a small army of phantom Lieutenants.
*Thaddius Shrewsbury, a powerful servant of a Dark Power.
*Fifty Cultists.

*The main problem is, that these things are dangerous, and not native to the NERO world - Tyrra. Their very presence is making things shakey. Not only are they evil, but they're very destabilizing for the fabric of reality.
*Each thing must be killed, or sent home. The problem is the Daughter cannot be killed, not as we understand it. She, then, must be sealed away and sent back, hopefully with Dr. Armitage in tow.

And that is the premise for my weekend. I see it breaking down thusly:

*Three Interacting Major Plot Lines.
*One Big Fight On Friday Night.
*Three Modules on Friday.
*Two Big Fights on Saturday.
*Twelve Modules on Saturday.
*One Big Ritual Saturday Night.
*One Big Fight On Sunday Morning.

I'll flesh it out more as we get closer.

My big split right now is on the main baddy. Either T'lth't'lk, if I can get enough of my guys together, or the Daughter, if I can get my wife involved. Maybe both, but that may be too much all at once.


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