
Showing posts from February, 2006


When asked to write a letter of recommendation for Eli Friend-Grey, an initial problem immediately presented itself; where to start? I have known Eli for sixteen years, and that’s a lot of ground to cover in one brief letter. It makes for a series of difficult decisions. Should I cover how when I met Eli in the Boy Scouts he represented an ideal to me? How I’d wished nothing more than to be just like him? Should I cover how when he was running five minute miles in high-school that I envied him his dedication and discipline? Or should I talk about how he constantly tried to better himself though every available method, be it reading or simply through self-analysis? Should I point out that he is, perhaps, one of the most self-aware people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing? I think I should probably concentrate on those things that make Eli such a spectacular individual. First and foremost, he is creative. Aside from being a talented artist, Eli has repeatedly found cre...


Went camping this last weekend. It was very...nostalgic, I guess. I had a great time, but looking back I think it was about 45% nostalga. I tried telling people at work about it, and why I had a great time, and it turned out that all my best stories were from previous camping trips. I couldn't come up with a single story from THIS camping trip that would be interesting to someone who wasn't there. I think maybe that's what getting old feels like: suddenly what used to happen is more important than what's happing this time. God, that's depressing. I hope my next trip to Mexico's not like that. I'm too young to be old. Right? In other news, the campsite we always use was pretty run down. We (by we I mean Eli) spruced it up pretty good, but it's time to start looking for the campsite part II if we're going to go camping on any sort of regular basis. We've pretty much used up all the really good fire-wood within walking distance of the camp-s...