When asked to write a letter of recommendation for Eli Friend-Grey, an initial problem immediately presented itself; where to start? I have known Eli for sixteen years, and that’s a lot of ground to cover in one brief letter. It makes for a series of difficult decisions. Should I cover how when I met Eli in the Boy Scouts he represented an ideal to me? How I’d wished nothing more than to be just like him? Should I cover how when he was running five minute miles in high-school that I envied him his dedication and discipline? Or should I talk about how he constantly tried to better himself though every available method, be it reading or simply through self-analysis? Should I point out that he is, perhaps, one of the most self-aware people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing? I think I should probably concentrate on those things that make Eli such a spectacular individual. First and foremost, he is creative. Aside from being a talented artist, Eli has repeatedly found cre...