Doing What I Can
I just got back from a "family meeting". I can't remember the last time we had an official one. I think it may have been a few Christmasses ago when we first found out my Dad was sick... It was all about my Mom trying to get her financial/home situation pulled together in the wake of my Dad passing. It's been a little over a year, and she's been keeping it together. But now she's got insurance payments coming in, pensions from my Dad, her own work, and three of my brothers living at home. It's kinda messy, she's working a rediculous number of hours a week at a mail-processing plant, and she's not getting other things done that she would like to get the house. Our House has been under construction for as long as I can remember. If you count me being a "completed person", it's been longer in the making than some people. :) Now, Mom is looking ahead to the future of her retirement, and wanting to get all the House thin...